Figurative Abstraction: An Exhibition of Contemporary Arts

Marina Cruz, QIN Yifeng, Albert Yonathan Setyawan, SHI Jin-Hua, SHI Jinsong, WU Tseng Jung, 2024.06

Publisher: Mind Set Art Center.

ISBN: 978-986-98820-9-5

Dimensions: 19 x 26 cm

Pages: 104

This is the exhibition catalog for "Figurative Abstraction: An Exhibition of Contemporary Arts". It features the works of six artists: Marina Cruz, Qin Yifeng, Albert Yonathan Setyawan, Shi Jin-Hua, Shi Jinsong and Wu Tseng Jung. National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts Director Chen Kuang-Yi served as the academic researcher of this show. Her exhibition essay “The Dialectics of the Abstract and the Figurative” has been included in the book, along with the images of 33 exhibited works.

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