Artist Statement: Gathering at the Beginning of Life

With a contemplative and philosophical nature, I have always been drawn to the essence that lies beyond the surface of an image, rather than its mere structure. Emotion, for me, has always served as a more reliable lens than the eye of reason. Throughout the annals of history, humanity has embarked on a relentless quest to comprehend the meaning of life, the intricacies of human nature, and our inherent need for identity. In our unwavering pursuit of survival, we have traversed millennia across the boundless expanse of time, delving into the profound depths of the human spirit and navigating through life's most profound and unanswered questions: Who are we? What is the origin of our existence? Where is our ultimate destination? Why do we embody the essence that we do? Or as Heidegger poignantly inquired, "Why is there being where there can be nothing?"

Nature has consistently served as a metaphor for life and death in our ongoing exploration of the self. This profound search also guides my artistic endeavors as I journey to diverse corners of the world, particularly the vibrant landscapes of Asia and Africa. Within my body of work, I delve into the intricate relationship between humanity and the natural world, unearthing the profound emotions that linger beneath the surface, emotions that conceal our entire narrative of self-discovery and bodily survival. My artistic creations often feature winter landscapes and seascapes, populated by solitary figures or intimate gatherings. Both winter and the sea evoke a sense of boundless expanse, enveloping the earth in their vastness, leaving nothing visible to the naked eye. A snow-covered landscape mirrors the endlessness of the ocean, yet beneath the frozen surface lies a vibrant ecosystem pulsating with life, awaiting the opportune moment to emerge.

This moment of emergence is brought about by the cyclical nature of death, where the demise of one entity paves the way for the rebirth of another. In our traditional practices, we customarily burn dry vegetation at the end of winter to create fertile ground for new life to flourish. With the arrival of spring, nature erupts in a symphony of renewal, while the vestiges of winter vanish beneath the flames of imminent death. Through this deeply rooted ritual, we come to comprehend the profound significance of death in the intricate tapestry of life's renewal, recognizing that through the process of death, we ultimately reaffirm the enduring essence of life itself.

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