劉文瑄 Taiwan, b. 1980
《對畫京都:烏龜與老鼠 》Drawing Dialogue in Kyoto: Turtle and Mouse, 2020
鉛筆畫、彩色鉛筆、京都跳蚤市場的水墨畫、大阪的布料、刺繡、楮皮紙、手工製黃銅螺絲 、 包線墊片、壓克力支撐、織帶
Pencil and colored pencil on the ink and wash painting found in the Kyoto flea market, fabric from Osaka, embroidery, traditional mulberry
paper, washer with thread, handmade brass screw, acrylic and ribbon
Pencil and colored pencil on the ink and wash painting found in the Kyoto flea market, fabric from Osaka, embroidery, traditional mulberry
paper, washer with thread, handmade brass screw, acrylic and ribbon
捲軸尺寸 H740 x W28.5 cm
裝置尺寸 L332 x W28.5 x H201 cm
裝置尺寸 L332 x W28.5 x H201 cm